The Jacksonville Gem and Mineral Society of Jacksonville, Florida is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. It was created to stimulate interests in rocks and minerals by furtherance of the activities of its members, in the earth sciences; to disseminate knowledge, methods and procedures for the collection, identification, classification, cutting, polishing, setting, and mounting of specimens for these activities; and to promote good fellowship, proper ethics and conduct in the relationships of said members with each other and with members of other earth science societies in pursuit of these activities.
Membership shall be open to persons participating in the increase, promotion, or dissemination of the earth sciences and/or lapidary arts. Involvement in the society may include but is not limited to attending meetings, serving on committees, or assisting with or submitting displays to the annual show. Individual membership - $20 per year + $5 insurance An individual membership shall be any person at least 18 years of age, who is active in the Society and who is not delinquent in payment of dues. Family membership - $30 per year + $10 insurance A family membership consists of 2 adults 18 years or older and any number of children 17 years and younger; and who are active in the Society and not delinquent in payment of dues living under one roof. Relative membership - $30 per year + $10 insurance A relative membership can be up to 2 adults 18 years or older and any number of child relatives 17 years and younger; and who are active in the Society and not delinquent in payment of dues; child relatives do not have to live in the same house hold. Liability for children under 17 Each additional individual under the age of 18 is an additional $5. |
Please fill out the following form completely and bring it to the monthly General Meeting on the first Thursday of the month. |